Linear Equations in One Variable

This section deals with linear equaitons where you only have one variable. That we will deal with linear equations means that the variable will always be to the first power and only one unknown (the variable) will be found in the equations.

Solving Linear Equations in One Variable - Case 1

Now it is your turn. The first equation is -2x = 14. If you click the "Click to show problem" button it will appear When you are done hit the button that says "Click to Show Answer" and it will display the answer in a step-by-step manner. After you finish the first problem and look at the answer you can click on the show problem button again and a second problem will appear. It you want to try both problems again hit the "Reset" button.

We want to get the equation to the form x = constant

Solving Linear Equations in One Variable - Case 2

We want to get the equation to the form x = constant