Newton's Method for Finding Roots of an Equation

You will find that the problem of finding the roots of an equation occurs frequently in technical work. One technique for finding roots is called Newton's Method. That method is the focus of this page.

    Newton's Mehtod uses your first guess at x to calculate the value of the function f(x) and the value of the derivate f'(x).
  1. If we write a formula for the slope of the curve at the selected point it would look like: f(x)' = [f(x) - 0]/[x2 - x1].
  2. We know f(x), f'(x) and x1 so we want to solve the equaiton for x2.
  3. Solving for x2 we get: x2 = x1 - [f(x)/f'(x)].
  4. x2 is our new guess at the root of the equation.
  5. We will now repeat the process using x2 as our starting value of x and finding f(x2) and f'(x2).
  6. It is probably easiest to understand the process by working your way through it.

To make it easy we will find a root of the quadratic f(x) = 4x2 - 9.

To start the process you will need a first approximation to the desired root (perhaps a guess). You can then use that approximation (guess) as input to the process to develop an improved guess. Through a process of iteration you can get as close to the true root as you desire. This is an iterative process that leads to an approximate solution. If the equation has multiple roots you will have to repeat the process for each root.

An easy way to get a first guess is to graph the function or calculate a set of points in the interval of interest. This page has a tool that will calculate values of the function. You are looking for the place where the function's value changes sign, + to - or - to +. The sign change means that the function has crossed the x axis. Since a root is located at an x axis crossing this is a point we want.

This program will calculate the roots of a quadratic equation of the formf(x) = ax2 + bx + c one step at a time. You enter the values of the coefficients a, b and c and when looking for the root you must take each x result and feed it into the program as your new value of x.

Enter the coefficients of the equation and the min and max values of xFor the sample problem: 4, 0, -9, -1.25, 3
Enter the value of a
Enter the value of b
Enter the value of c
Enter the smallest value of x
Enter the largest value of x
Click button to get values of f(x)
Here is the value of function
Enter the initial value of x
Click button to make calculation
Here is the output value